Jul 20, 2023soil.Carbon storage and mycorrhizal fungi: Science backed climate solutionFor more than 400 million years, mycorrhizal fungi and plants have formed partnerships that are crucial to the emergence and functioning...
Jul 4, 2023soil.Forest Fungal Microbiome to Improve Forestry Outcomes and Address the Climate CrisisSoils are alive. A handful of soil can contain hundreds of miles of fungal hyphae, microscopic facilitators of soil and plant health....
May 18, 2023soil.Soil Regeneration Through Fungal Prebiotics"Because Mankind thrives when Soils do, we want to regenerate Soil health and fungi are the best allies of farmers in that quest. The...
Mar 14, 2023soil.MycoPhyto: Mycorrhizal Fungi Increase Fruits, Vegetables, and Grain ProductivityJustine Lipuma, a passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture, set-up MycoPhyto in 2015 with the mission to promote the use of...