Apr 22, 2023materials.Biohm: Sustainable, Eco-friendly construction Materials derived from MyceliumBiohm is a pioneering UK based company that specializes in the development and production of sustainable, eco-friendly construction...
Apr 14, 2023food.New Plant-Fungi Protein Ingredient Combines the Strengths of Microalgae and MushroomsEver heard of ALLIUM? AL for algae, and LIUM for mycelium. The co-culturing of both is what Singapore based Jonathan Ho and Albertus...
Mar 29, 2023materials.Mycelium-based Structures to Create a New Generation of Building Materials in AfricaMycoHAB is a non-profit foundation originated by the Standard Bank Group (SBG) following a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute...
Mar 15, 2023materials.MyHelmet: Mycelium Made Bike Helmet. Dutch design studio, StudioMOM, recently launched MyHelmet, a mycelium made bike helmet. Given the sustainable nature of bikes in...
Mar 14, 2023soil.MycoPhyto: Mycorrhizal Fungi Increase Fruits, Vegetables, and Grain ProductivityJustine Lipuma, a passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture, set-up MycoPhyto in 2015 with the mission to promote the use of...