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Apr 9, 2023
MycoAudio: New Soundsystem Leveraging Mushroom Material Properties
Could the ultimate soudsystem be made out of mushrooms? Mycoaudio designs and manufactures speakers and audio technologies. They are a...
Mar 29, 2023
Mycelium-based Structures to Create a New Generation of Building Materials in Africa
MycoHAB is a non-profit foundation originated by the Standard Bank Group (SBG) following a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute...
Mar 15, 2023
The Enchanted World of Bio-Sonification and Midnight Mushroom Music
Ready to float into the Mycelium network? Tosca Teran has been placing pic-up mics, transducers, bone conductors onto surfaces, inside...
Mar 15, 2023
MyHelmet: Mycelium Made Bike Helmet.
Dutch design studio, StudioMOM, recently launched MyHelmet, a mycelium made bike helmet. Given the sustainable nature of bikes in...
Mar 14, 2023
MycoPhyto: Mycorrhizal Fungi Increase Fruits, Vegetables, and Grain Productivity
Justine Lipuma, a passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture, set-up MycoPhyto in 2015 with the mission to promote the use of...
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