Aug 8, 2023art.Fusing Art and Nature: Cosimo De Vita's Mycelium MelodyCosimo De Vita, a talented Florentine designer and artisan, calls himself an artigineer. Coming from a family of artisans, he had been...
Aug 6, 2023art.Microorganism Based Art: Introducing DashaPlesenDaria Fedorova also known as DashaPlesen is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer. She is developing a unique methodology of...
Jun 15, 2023materials.Compostable, ecologically sound wind turbine blades from bamboo and myceliumIt may sound like a scene from a climate-fiction movie, but polymer composites expert Valeria La Saponara, a professor in the UC Davis...
Jun 15, 2023SPUN: Guardians of the Underground Realms, Mapping Nature's MycoMarvelsToby Kiers, executive director of SPUN, refers to our carbon-capturing fungal ecosystems, as the Amazonian forest of the underground....
Jun 7, 2023food.Eclo is Making the Best Bruxelles' Underground Spaces and Raises 4.7M€We had the pleasure of meeting with Quentin Declerk, one of Eclo's co-founders in their subterranean production site beneath Brussels....